Barge Work

Our barge carries an excavator and can reach into areas off shore. Our company dredged the Meaford Harbour, the Coastguard Harbour area at Meaford, the Wiarton Boating area, and the Owen Sound Yacht Club to name a few. We can also dredge areas for boaters and personal watercraft.

Barge Work

Weatherall Dock & Dredge working on floating barge at Oxtongue Lake Bridge, Haliburton County.

Barge Work

Pictured above is the Weatherall Dock & Dredge Tug Boat, Barge and Crane completing repairs
to the break wall at the Meaford Harbour in Meaford, Ontario.

Barge Work

Floating Barge shuttles pipe to worksite.

Barge Work

Floating Barge supports Track Excavator as it removes and places material on breakwall.

Barge Work
Barge Work

Temporary piles are installed to secure the floating Barge in place.

Barge Work

Barge has carried Track Excavator to site.

Barge Work

Our barge carries an excavator and can reach into areas off shore. Our company dredged the Meaford Harbour, the Coastguard Harbour area at Meaford, the Wiarton Boating area, and the Owen Sound Yacht Club to name a few. We can also dredge areas for boaters and personal watercraft.

Excavator & Barge Work

The excavator and barge moving into the beach to repair the groins and dredge the area for personal water craft, a dock can be attached along the groins.

Barge Work
Barge Work