St. Lawrence Seaway Wall Reconstruction – St. Catherines, ON
The St. Lawrence Seaway, extending 3,769 km from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes, consists of a system of locks, canals and channels that permit passage of oceangoing vessels.
The Seaway includes an 8m deep channel and eight locks through the Welland Ship Canal and the Sault Ste. Marie Canals and locks. The Welland Canal, a vital transportation artery within the St. Lawrence Seaway, allows tens of millions of tonnes of cargo to be shipped annually via the St. Lawrence Seaway.
Reconstruction has begun on the Welland Canal to rebuild the ship tie-up walls at Locks 1, 2 and 3. The phase of construction of the upper tie-up wall at Lock 2 began in September 30, 2013 and is projected to be completed in April, 2014.
Work at this location, consisting of wall demolition and reconstruction with steel and concrete replacement structures, is being carried out 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Weatherall’s pile driver, pictured in the foreground, is busy installing new H-Piles to repair the seaway tie-up wall along the Welland Canal at Lock 2.